Housing and Lands

The Delaware Nation’s Lands and Resource Office manages all land matters for the Delaware Nation. Some of the responsibilities and duties include:

  • Environmental Research
  • Natural Resources
  • Nation Member Allotments, Easements, and Right of Ways
  • Surveys, and Maps
  • Land By-Law Development
  • Heritage and Cultural Sites
  • Cemetery Records
  • Community Consultation
  • Lands and Resources Inventory

Weenjiiyayuyeengw Lands and Resource Task Force 
The goal of the task force is to establish a comprehensive community consultation process in relation to Delaware Nation Lands and Resources.

Shundahkw Elder’s Advisory Council
The mission of the Shundahkw Elder’s Advisory Council is to provide guidance to the Weenjiiyayuyeengw Task Force in areas of lands, resources, history and culture by sharing knowledge to preserve our heritage, way of life and traditions of the Lunaapeew people. Some of the topics discussed to date include, ceremonies, archaeology, cemeteries, fishing, species at risk, life and times of Tecumseh and Little People.
Present members are: Marilyn Huff, Faye Jacobs, Philip Snake, Dianne Snake, Donald Whiteye Sr.

The goal of the Delaware Nation Housing Department is to ensure all members have access to secure, affordable and safe housing within the Delaware Nation territory. This will be accomplished by working together to achieve the best values and highest standards for the protection of our heritage, homes and natural resources.

The Housing Department has a total of 27 rental units within the community. There are approximately 155 homes in the community.

Housing Services

  • The New Housing Construction Loan Program provides assistance for new home construction.
  • The Housing Improvement Loan Program is a home renovation program.
  • The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) provides several programs to members of the Delaware Nation, including the Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP), Section 95, HASI – Programs from CMHC, Seniors Independence Program and rental program.
  • The Contractor Program ensures guidelines are followed by contractors hired for renovations or new construction.
  • The Rental Program (includes Seniors Complex) provides rental units to Delaware Nation members who qualify for this program.
  • The Bank of Montreal Housing Loan Program assists members who wish to purchase or build a new home.
    ** members must meet certain requirements to qualify for housing programs

New Senior’s Complex
The Delaware Nation celebrated the grand opening of a new Senior’s Complex in January, 2011, heralding a new era in affordable housing for the Nation’s seniors. The 6 unit facility was designed to meet the growing need for affordable and supportive housing units by the community’s aging population.

Site Address:
Delaware Nation Lands and Resource Office/Housing Department
14979 School House Line, Moraviantown, Ontario
Telephone: 519-692-4290
Toll Free: 1-877-855-4290

Mailing Address:
Delaware Nation Lands and Resource Office/Housing Department
c/o Delaware Nation Administration Office
R.R. #3, Thamesville, ON N0P 2K0